Spot On

Several friends who are a few years older told me to expect some unusual body changes when I turned 70.  I listened, but it didn’t sink in. Sure enough, they were spot on.  And I don’t mean age spots.

Compared to the grand and global issues of the day, these are inconvenient and minor.  Nonetheless, they are worth noting for their suddenness and unpredictability.

For me, the changes began with flare ups of blotchy red patches on my face—particularly on the forehead and under the eyes.  I had been using the same hypoallergenic lotions and moisturizers for years—until I couldn’t tolerate them anymore. 

When I mentioned this to my dermatologist, she offered the following story: “I had a patient recently who reported the same issues.  I told her it was eczema.  And she said, ‘I have never had eczema in my life.’  Well, you do now,“ the practitioner responded.

Recently, I found some hickey-shaped red spots at the base of my neck from wearing certain fabrics and turtlenecks.  Huh?  How?  I now understand why journalist/author Nora Ephron wrote about how she felt bad about her neck.

At this point in our lives, we are enduring ailments—from guts to eyes to limbs—that demand our attention and focus.   While they can be tolerated and tamed, they are oddly irritating (if not actually itchy or unpleasant).

What intolerance surprises have surfaced as you age?  And how do you deal with them?







Ageless Wonder


Calling an Audible